Saturday, February 26, 2011

Throroughly Modern Milie

It's amazing where you find your life at. Did I ever think in a million years that I would be living in Provo and choreographing for a Middle School Musical? The answer would be no, in case you didn't know. My friend Jess is a Theatre teacher and asked me to choreograph for their annual musical. I wanted to say no after all. . .

1. I felt a little overwhelmed with school and work and didn't know how much time I could dedicate to this.
2. I had never even been in a musical, not to mention choreograph for one
3. 12-13 year-olds? Yeah, that's a time period I would never choose to go back to. . .

Don't worry, I returned. :)

And it was a great experience! Well, there are a few students that I wanted to strangle countless times, but I have been so impressed with how far the kids have come! After all, I was incredibly worried after auditions. There were many kids that struggled, and I mean really struggled. . .Getting them to walk on beat was a challenge.

There's only one more performance left, but I am still amazed with the work the kids have done! I couldn't have asked for more. I still think to myself "Wow, Jess and I just put on a musical!" What a perfect pair we make. I can't hold a pitch and Jess has two left feet. I won't even mention the fact that I still have never seen the musical but now feel that I don't need to. . .I mean really, do I want to tear my work down? I think not. . .Ha, ha. I will see the show eventually. I've heard that the movie with Julie Andrews and Mary Tyler Moore is quite excellent.

Well here is a quick preview of two of my favorite numbers from the show. Once again, they aren't perfect but the kids worked so hard and it really came together and progressed from where the kids started at. Sorry for the bad camera shots. I was directing lights and trying to do many things at once. (Yeah, now I know I really should have taken a lights class in college. I never thought I would be on the backstage of performances). :)

The girls especially loved this one! I could tell because they actually practiced it. I choreographed a part, then came back the next day and it was practically perfect. Maybe it's the title "Forget About the Boy!" Yeah, really who needs them?! "STICK IT TO THE MAN!" Haha.

Did I mention that our lead for Millie is phenomenal! Yeah, she's 13 and beyond talented and super cool! We really think she should audition for American Idol.

There's one more performance left on Monday night 2/28/11. Come bring your family, date, or friends for a fun night. Really, I wouldn't invite people if it wasn't a good show, but it really is! It starts at 6:30 at Dixon Middle School in Provo. Costs are $2 or $5 for families.

You will love it, I promise!

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome Ash! Look at you, you totally multi-talented woman! I am in awe...
