Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tall Glass of Water

Do you know what I love about water. . .

Well besides the fact that it's delicious and we would cease to exist without it?

You ready?

Water is so smooth and fluid. It never stops and creates such beautiful movement.

So have I ever mentioned that I have a small obsession with dance?

Okay, sometime it's larger than small. But either way, movement fascinates me!

For me, movement is the beginning that moves to a new beginning, to a new beginning, and never ends.

Movement is the water that continually flows and is smooth and lucid.

Movement is the wings that lifts and sours into new levels of being.

Movement is the breath that takes breaths away and propels the movement forward.

Okay, okay, I know. The artsy nerd in me is peeking through.

But really, this video shows it all.

I can't understand how anyone could not live to breathe, move, and flow through life!

Next time you take a breath, remember to let that breath move you down the stream of life.

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